Pre-display SMS moderation

One of the most important features of the SMS Wall is called moderation. Moderation means, that unwanted messages can be taken off the screen, or can be prevented from being displayed. The user has three options to delete or modify the unwanted SMS messages: pre-display moderation, on-srcreen moderation and  message filtering. This page shows how the pre-display moderation feature can be used.

To be able to use pre-display moderation, it is recommended to have two monitors attached to the PC. One monitor can display the animation and the other can be used to watch and optionally delete the incoming messages prior to display. To do this the SMSWall Moderation window needs to be opened and it should be moved to the second monitor before the presentation is started.

In the screenshot bellow you can see, how the pre-display moderation window can be opened. 

To open the pre-display moderation window, select the Plugins / SMSWall Moderation menu item (Figure 1.) 

Figure 1.

The pre-display moderation window has three parts: Manual Entery, Inbox and Display. With the help of the Manual entery  box you can  insert messages manually to the SMS Wall. The messages entered here can be used to test the animation and the display layout. To insert a new message using this feature type the phone number and the message text and click on the Add button. After inserting this message, it appears in the 'Inbox' part of the window (Figure 2), just as messages, that are received as regular SMS. 

Figure 2.

The Inbox window is a temporary storage, that holds every message for a short time, to give a chance to the moderator to delete it. The time period for a message can be set using the Inbox time edit window. To delete an undesired SMS message,  the message needs to be selected and, the Delete button needs to be pressed. If the message is deleted from this window, it will not be displayed in the animation.
When the Inbox timer expires for a message, the message is moved to the Display window. The display window is a queue that is used to feed the SMSWall periodically. If the display queue is empty, the message is transferred to the display immediately, otherwise the message waits in the queue until all the preceding messages are sent to the display. The Display interval editbox can be used to adjust the time-period between message displays.

Figure 3.

In the lower right hand corner of the SMS Wall pre-display moderation form there are three buttons. The Preview button shows the animation in a window(Figure 3.). The show button can be used to start the animation in fullsrceen. The hide button can be used to stop the animation.

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