How to adjust the box size in SMS Wall

The display engine of Ozeki SMS is based on Microsoft Internet Explorer. When you start the animation, an Internet Explorer window opens and the  C:\Program Files\Ozeki\Ozeki SMS\SmsWALL\index.html file is displayed. This HTML file is responsible for displaying the messages.

Every time a new message arrives, a javascript program displays it to the screen. This javascript program uses a rectangluar portion of the screen to display the messages. The dimensions of this rectangle are specified in the following portion of the code:

   ticker = new NewsTicker(40,20,540,450);
   ticker.itemHeight = 90;

In the example, the rectangle's upper left corner is placed at screen coordinates 40,20. The width of the area is 540 pixels and the height is 450 pixels. This rectangular area can display 5 messages at a time. Each message takes up 90 pixels vertically. This is called ItemHeight. You can freely change the numbers that describe the display rectangle and the item height.

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