How to add custom HTML code to SMS Wall

You can display additional information on the SMS wall, by adding custom HTML code to the C:\Program Files\Ozeki\Ozeki SMS\SmsWALL\index.html file. You can edit this file with a text editor, such as notepad.

To add custom HTML, you need to edit the first section of the HTML file. This section begins after the body tag and ends before the form tag. By default this portion contains an HTML table. You can delete this table or you can change it according to your needs. Alternatively you can decide to change only the Cave_man.gif animation to another picture.

Note: The HTML table contains some links for on-screen moderation. You can delete or modify these links as well.

Please note: The only thing that mustn't be changed is the source code of the form, which is located  under the mentioned HTML table. You can read more about this form at the following URL:  


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